big ben® Sphygmomanometer

  • Precision measurement technology
  • Finely regulable pressure-release valve
  • Max. error tolerance: +/- 3mmHg



Sphygmomanometer in a tested, classic design
Precision measurement technology (almost non-aging and impact-resistant measurement system up to 600mmHg)
Particularly wide scale diameter (circular design: ? 147.2 mm, square design: ? 145.5 mm)
High-contrast scale layout for easy reading
Scale to 300mmHg
Basket for tube and cuffs on the back of device
Latex bulb for cuff inflation
Wear-free and finely adjustable pressure-release valve
With micro-filter to protect pressure-release valve and measurement system
With spiral tube (stretches to 3m)
No stop pin
Max. error tolerance: +/- 3mmHg
Delivered with Velcro cuffs for adults
Available in a choice of wall, table or standing models (with mobile stand, height-adjustable between 90 and 140 cm)

SKU: BCHD10414 Category: