Reso-Pac Periodontal Dressing
Reso-Pac from Hager Werken is an adhesive periodontal dressing that is applied directly to wounds, suture areas or pressure points. Because of the excellent adhesive capacity, even on moist or bleeding wounds, this dressing can be directly applied as a wound cover after tooth extractions. Without manipulation or mastication, Reso-Pac holds for up to 30 hours on the treated area and can also be used as an anticoagulant. Reso-Pac is great as a medication, haemostyptic or fluoride excipient, thanks to the excellent adhesive properties.
Product Informationen for Reso-Pac
- Cellulose-based, adhesive periodontal dressing
- Suited for use as a wound cover following tooth extractions, implantology, periodontal treatments, oral surgery and prosthetics
- Suited as a medication excipient
- Excellent adhesive properties, also on moist or bleeding wounds
- Adheres for up to 30 hours
- Dressing dissolves independently and must not be removed
- Hydrophilic, slow dissolving
- Astringent, strengthens tissue, stops bleeding
- Supports healing process and protects wound against bacteria
- Neutral flavour, odourless
- Available in various pack sizes
Useful Tips
- Remove the desired amount of Reso-Pac and apply it onto very moist gloves or fingers. The dressing is easier to manipulate with moist hands.
- Shape the material into a thin roll and stick it onto the wound with light pressure.
- Use Reso-Pac sparingly. The material swells some.
- After applying the periodontal dressing, the surface should be smoothed out with vaseline or with well-moistened fingers.
- Immediately close the tube after removing the paste, as the paste hardens quite quickly.
- After applying the periodontal dressing, the patient should not consume any hot foods or drinks, as this will cause the paste to dissolve.
Reso-Pac periodontal dressing remains soft and flavourless in the mouth. As an ideal supplement to wound treatment, Miradont gel and Myzotect tincture are recommended. These are applied prior to the application of Reso-Pack and reduce pain.
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