Lab Devices for Clinical Diagnostics

Lab devices are suited for quickly testing medical samples. When the patient sample can be examined directly in the practice laboratory, then the benefit of this practice is considerable time savings. Our assortment encompasses analysis devices for the most used, relevant parameters. In addition to the specific analysis devices, you will also find a large range of lab technology, such as centrifuges and scales.

Analysis Devices for Expedited Answers to Differential Diagnostic Issues

Analysis devices can prevent the labourious posting of samples to external medical laboratories. These lab devices are most often portable and the measurement parameters extend from glucose and lactate to coagulation values and ethrocyte count, all the way up to the detection of alcohol and other abused substances. One can basically differentiate the devices by the amount of measured parameters. Most coagulometers exclusively measure the INR value, whereas blood analysis devices evaluate a wide spectrum of haemotological parameters.

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